Day Two/Three

Day Two/Three Work is proceeding on two distinctly different fronts. The body has been sanded and grain-filled to 1200 grit and given a coat of white acrylic primer/undercoat and lightly rubbed back with 1200 grit when properly dry. The actual locations of the backplate and the pickguard, jack connector socket and the aperture for the bridge/tremolo unit have been traced in pencil. The apertures/cavities have been stuffed with tissue and paper towel then sealed with low tack masking tape. This has left the back and front of the body clear for the artist to attack! I've also screwed into the neck socket a rough wooden arm so the body can be easily manipulated. Finally, I've screwed a hook into the guide hole for the lower strap lug so the whole unit can be hung easily to dry. In the meantime, the neck's been finished to 1200grit smoothness and the headstock carved in the style we preferred. The length of the neck's been given three coats of satin light oak polyester v...